Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Little Behind

A moment I have dreamed of for a very long time is about to happen in my life.  My first born is about to have her first child, and my first grandchild.

Although the joy I'm feeling right now is very much about having a little one to love and hold again, it really goes much deeper than that.

Nothing in my life has made me as complete as having my children.  When I had my Baby Girl, my first child, I wondered how I ever thought what I had before was living.  

To know that this is what my daughter and her husband are about to  experience - takes my breath away with excitement.  I was blessed to be a part of giving her life.  Now, I get to watch as she is given love and life at its deepest level.  I don't know when I have ever felt more grateful.

This was my Baby Girl this morning!

To my precious daughter and amazing son in law:  hold on tight for in just a few short hours, or days, this ride is going to take you to places you haven't even begun to imagine!  You are about to join the truly blessed of this earth by becoming parents.  Nothing will ever be the same for you once you hold the perfect gift that is your child.  I'm so very proud and thrilled!

This is my little niece in her sister's cowboy boots, 
and.......not much else.  She is so precious!

To you, my friends and readers:  I may get a little behind around here, but that's exactly what I've been praying for. Her little behind could show up at any moment.......and I can't wait to share some pictures once it does!

Thanks for stopping by,



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I LOVE your ideas and comments. Thanks for taking the time :)